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More Virtual Girl. Strong. Classes!

Yollanda Zhang

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Dear Parents,

It has been such a pleasure to teach your children about Positive Habits, STEM, Mindfulness, Public Speaking, and more. I've reminded them often that they're the sunshine of my days.  I hope that they have been practicing some of the things I taught them at home such as being proactive, breathing techniques, circle of control, and being like water instead of soda. If you're not sure what they mean, please ask them to tell you. 

Using slime to help teach girls STEM!
Children with positive habits grow up to be resilient adults!

Now that we have heard about the extension of school closures, many parents have asked me to continue the virtual class beyond the three free weeks. This was originally created to bridge a learning gap and help establish routine for the children when March Break was extended, but I didn't anticipate things to progress this way. Unfortunately, I will not be able to keep offering the program for free without covering my costs. I would still like to make the program accessible to those who are suffering financially so it will be a "Pay What You Can" model.

To Register:

  1. Please fill in the registration form here and enter the amount you'd like to pay for one week of classes. Add how many children will be joining the class as well. 

  2. You'll receive the Zoom link for joining the class. Please do not share the link. Note: If you're not able to pay any amount, please send me an email letting me know your circumstances. 

10% of total revenue collected will be donated to our charity partner, Toronto Foundation for Student Success, to help provide programming for children in underserved communities in Toronto. Our "Girls for Girls" initiative directs funds from paid programs to help run pro bono programs and teaches important lessons about giving.

Many thanks,

Yollanda Zhang

Founder/Executive Director

Girl. Strong. 

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